Baumohl Hamburg is one of Maryland’s most trusted family law firms, providing effective and sound assistance both outside the courtroom (mediation and negotiation) and inside the courtroom (litigation). Divorce can often times be a very complicated and emotionally overwhelming process, with lots of important decisions to be made about child custody, financial matters, property division, and so on. In the midst of the turmoil, it is essential not to overlook the importance of peacefully resolving family law disputes. Spouses who are facing family law issues choose to solve legal matters by mediation as it offers an amicable, fast, and cost-effective approach. Mediation attorneys function as facilitators ensuring clients feel supported, validated, respected, and encouraged to make their own decisions based on expert advice and guidance.

Baumohl Hamburg Baltimore divorce attorneys are certified family law mediators dedicated to achieving swift, effective, and fair outcomes. Our seasoned team of professionals will provide you with irreplaceable insights and ensure your rights are protected while supporting you throughout the whole process. You can rely on us to create a powerful winning strategy that will bring you positive outcome and peace of mind. We are skilled mediation attorneys with proven track record in guiding parties in the most demanding cases in Baltimore. Feel free to give us a call at (443) 940-2000 or send us a quick message. We typically respond within 24 hours!

Mediation In Family Law Disputes in Baltimore Maryland

Just as no two individuals are the same, no two divorces are exactly alike. Even though some cases will inevitably need court litigation, other couples may benefit from another alternative method called mediation. It enables spouses to evade lengthy and pricey legal conflicts over child support, child custody, visitation rights, marital property division, and other argumentative matters. In order for it to be successful, this type of amicable intervention must be well-balanced and considerate.

A lot of parents may believe that court litigation is easier than trying to reach a non-litigious solution by going through divorce disputes with the other parent. At the same time, you may end up missing a chance of figuring out an arrangement that is best for your family by not being able to disclose the most intimate knowledge you have about the specific circumstances revolving around your family and children. Rather, you should examine mediation which brings spouses together with a neutral, third-party mediator who will impartially help resolve even the most contentious disputes. Although quite different from traditional divorce case played out in court, mediation still requires genuine effort by both spouses to jointly work on mutual benefits post-separation.

Mediation Attorney in Baltimore Maryland

Divorce & Family Mediation Services

The law office of Baumohl Hamburg provides mediation and collaborative law services for couples going through divorce in Baltimore. Our comprehensive services encompass:

Complex divorce disputes

If you are involved in a complicated dispute, such as high-net-worth property distribution, business ownership, child support disputes, or sophisticated financial structures, having a mediator by your side is essential. A mediator can guide you to make important decisions while ensuring your rights are fully protected.

Child custody & child support

In very sensitive and delicate matters of child support and child custody, presence of a mediator attorney is of utmost importance. A certified mediator in Baltimore will help you evaluate the situation and understand your rights, making sure your children’s rights are prioritized.

Power imbalance

In cases with substantial overt or subtle power imbalance between spouses, finding a competent lawyer can provide a critical layer of protection. Furthermore, a good negotiator will ensure level play field for everyone involved and every person’s voice is heard. Special attention and care will be put on processes involving history of abuse.

Domestic agreements

Although mediators serve to help parties reach fair agreements, they are not allowed to provide legal counsel. However, an attorney is permitted to review settlement agreements to ensure they are legally sound and fair.

Please do not hesitate to contact us. We typically reply within 24 hours!


Our Mediation Process

During divorce or family law mediation, you and your spouse will meet with our expert Baltimore mediator several times. We will ensure that the procedure’s integrity remains unbroken and prevent any type of abuse or power imbalance.

1.      Initial orientation

Mediation typically starts with an initial meeting where the roles, ground rules, and goals are explained.

2.      Identifying concerns, needs, and options

This stage involves collecting information and pivotal data for developing an effective negotiation strategy.

3.      Negotiation

During negotiation, the mediator guides spouses to find possible solutions for every dispute. Voluntary resolution, creative thinking and problem-solving are encouraged. A proficient divorce mediator facilitates problem-solving and clear communication while resolving misunderstandings during this important stage. The spouses engage in discussions to unravel the solutions to their issues.

4.      Agreement creation

When the parties have reached an agreement on every issue, we draft a formal agreement with the terms and conditions outlined. Prior to accepting the proposed agreement, it is recommended to have your lawyer review the contract in order to make sure your interests are protected. Once both sides are satisfied, the agreement is signed and submitted to the court. When approved by the court, it becomes a legally binding document.

7 Benefits Of Divorce Mediation

Mediation can be quite beneficial to divorcing couples or individuals going through post-divorce disputes.  Below are some of the advantages of this method:

  1. Fast – Court litigation often lasts for months or years due to backlogs in trial dockets, late schedules, etc. In contrast, mediation can be scheduled quicker and may be resolved fairly quickly – in as little as a day or two, depending on the complexity of the issue at hand.
  2. Affordable – Lower costs are associated with less attorney time and no litigation expenses. Court representation costs considerably more due to all the legal expenditures.
  3. Friendly – Not bound by the strict rules and occurring outside the court, it offers more freedom during discussions and a relaxed, friendly manner of negotiation.
  4. Conforming – Since parties are actively involved in finding a fair solution for both sides, they are more likely to comply to that decision than to the one imposed by court. This way, court order enforcements and appeals are reduced to a minimum.
  5. Customizable – With the help of mediation attorney, both parties are free to customize an agreement that reflects their interests and preferences.
  6. Confidential – Since it is strictly confidential, public disclosure is avoided.
  7. Nonbinding– The agreements reached are nonbinding and parties can opt to take their case to court should they choose to do so

Ethical Guidelines

When choosing a mediator, pay attention to the things mediators are not allowed to do, such as:

  • Bind parties to an agreement
  • Make decisions for others or pressure them into reaching an agreement
  • Give legal advice (clients should consult their own lawyers regarding legal advice)
  • Disclose any matters that are required to be kept confidential
  • Advocate for one party only (must remain neutral throughout the process)

What Makes Baumohl Hamburg Mediation Attorneys Different

Our team of divorce lawyers serves Baltimore and is fully aware that family law issues can be highly stressful for both the conflicting parties. At Baumohl Hamburg, we have deep industry wisdom and years of experience in family mediation. We are dedicated to facilitating fast and fair outcomes for all your disputes. Our valued clients choose us over other mediators due to: (443) 940-200

  • 75+ years of combined experience
  • Passionate, determined, and open-minded approach
  • High-quality boutique-level service
  • Collaborative and compassionate environment beneficial to everyone
  • Clear communication channels
  • Active members of bar associations

Your Questions Answered

1.      What is alternative dispute resolution (ADR) ?

Alternative dispute resolution (ADR) is any procedure, previously agreed upon by both parties, in which a neutral third-party assists them in obtaining an amicable agreement while avoiding court litigation. There are 3 types of alternative dispute resolution: mediation, collaborative divorce, and parenting coordination.


2.      Do I need to hire my own attorney during mediation?

Although some couples are able to reach a fair agreement without a lawyer being involved, it is highly recommended to hire an independent counsel to help protect your rights and your interests. Following contract drafting in mediation, you will have a chance to review the agreement together with your advocate before signing it.


3.      How long will mediation and divorce take?

The length of this process depends on you and your partner. Typically, you will need two or three meetings as well as additional turnaround time for drafting agreement. Depending on whether you will have your own attorney to review the agreement or not, your case might take approximately several weeks. How soon your divorce will be finalized also depends on your jurisdiction and court’s availability.


4.      Which side does mediator represent?

The mediator is a neutral third party. He or she does not represent any party in a dispute and never takes sides. This is against ethical guidelines of mediation process. A mediator serves to help resolve the case and not to decide it, like a judge.


5.      Do I have to go to court after mediation?

After a successful mediation process, you will need to file signed agreement with the court and appear for a brief hearing before you are granted a judgement of absolute divorce. Your lawyer can help you prepare the papers and represent you in court, if you don’t feel comfortable appearing at the hearing without legal counsel.